Crowded Barrel Magnificent Beasts Lakeenta – 750ml


34 in stock

SKU: Lakeenta-1 Category:


*We cannot ship whiskey to you. This online purchase will result in us holding the bottle in the distillery until you can pick it up in person. You can also send someone to pick it up for you as long as you notify us. There’s a legal limit of 3,000ml per 30 days for picking up bottles from the distillery. That’s the amount of 2 full sized whiskey bottles. NO SUNDAY PICKUPS. Thanks to Texas blue laws, we can not allow anyone to purchase or pickup a bottle of whiskey on Sundays. It’s illegal. *

Introducing Lakeenta: The Magnificent Beast Blend Series

In the heart of an ancient oak forest, the elusive guardian Lakeenta watches over a secret treasure.

Known as the Oak Spirit, this magnificent beast roams the misty woods, guarding a hidden trove of whiskey bottles with its sprawling antlers. For centuries, Lakeenta has led worthy travelers to this liquid gold. Each bottle is a tribute to the untamed nature that lives around us—and in us.

The rich, oaky notes, aged in the shadows of towering trees, are said to capture the spirit of the land itself. Those who sip from Lakeenta’s treasure are granted a rare glimpse into the heart of the forest—and a taste of magnificence. Will you be among the worthy?

Crowded Barrel Magnificent Beasts Lakeenta

Size – 750ml
Age: 8 years 277 days
Proof – 115 Proof – 57.5% ABV
Distiller – MGP
Mash Bill: 95% wheat, 5% barley